
Revision as of 03:52, 29 April 2018 by TheSkald (talk | contribs) (Life in the Guild)
From skaldsong companion
Stone Heart
Otkrytoye Polotno ~ Est. 1010 [Disbanded]
Bjarke the Grizzled, Arnfinnr the Winded


  • Chief
  • Champion
  • Brawler (From strongest to weakest)


Those wishing to join Stone Heart will have to show feats of strength, by wrestling. Losing does not necessary fail entry, but it does determine where in the 'totem' you fall.


Promotions are earned through challenges and besting the person 'above' you. The foolish can go straight for the Champion. The chief will remain uncontested, as they are a guiding hand and manage the affairs.

Life in the Guild

Endless physical training in forms of classical gym work outs to answering dares by your fellow guild mates. In the frozen tundra they reside, this often meant braving the cold elements alone to prove you can, to do whatever thing they think you can't. Your position in the guild is constantly challenged by those beneath you, as you vie for something higher. But despite all of this, the camaraderie is tight and boastful, with many nights leaving your belly full of frothy drink.



Copper Heart was established shortly after the fall of the Virtuosos and the establishment of the guild system beyond the maestros of old. They are an offshoot of Uhrwerkstadt's original craftsmanship guild, focusing on tinkering with clocks and creating intricate and decorative cuckoos. They are most known however for their work on marionettes, which became a booming business that lead into craftsmen attempting to 'go big or go home' and utilizing everything they could find and learn about the processes of pulleys and gears were able to create magnificent giant puppets that were (and still are) used in Uhrwerkstadt's yearly parade and earned the designer the award the initial year they were included, placing Copper Heart well on the radar.

From Puppets to Prosthesis

While the giant sized puppets took a public fascination, in 1909 the tinier intricate figures and mechanics drew the attention of Nitika, a magic-using healer who was trying to better the lives of those who had lost parts of their body seeking glory. At the time replacements were immobile and simply designed to replace the missing image or allow for tasks they would prefer complete limbs for; these included special legs to hold them in the saddle or carved item-grasping hands so they could continue their work with their main hand.

They would try everything from puppet designs to rigging up suits of armor to move with Nitika using her magic to try and enforce an animation upon it. However just enchanting the items would not be effective for daily use by a person and could backfire. Together they found that copper spun into fine filaments and stuck into the skin transferred the intent of the wearer to the artificial limb. It was a start, and one they took another 58 years before it became a success enough that mobile prosthesis were available for all.

The Disbanding

As puppets and clocks fell out of style, membership within Copper Heart fell to the point it was no longer viable as a guild. Their contributions to The Tapestry are not forgotten, however.

Awards and Recognition

  • Won Inventor's Triumph for large puppetry.
  • Won Inventor's Triumph for artificial limb progression.